Lifting Voices Program
Lifting Labels, a sewing project of The Chill Station, LLC, will make choir robes available to faith communities in need, and will engage strong and established faith communities as well as private donors to cover the cost. Lifting Voices will benefit choirs while keep the sewing room busy, keep formerly incarcerated workers employed in living wage jobs, hone their job skills and rebuild their lives and families.
How Lifting Voices works Lifting Voices is an application-selection opportunity for deserving faith communities to apply for free choir robes. Reaching out through the clergy on our board, we will identify applicant churches in faith communities.
Three-Part Win! There are three parts to the Lifting Voices Challenge:
1.Nominate a Choir - Grace-filled faith communities in need of robes – choir leaders will apply for a Lifting Voices prize based on the financial need of the congregation and community, the choir’s social impact made possible by the robes,and the individual circumstances of the choir and choir members. (Faith community must demonstrate the financial need of its 501 ©3 nonprofit organization.)
2.Adopt a Choir - Donors to the Lifting Voices effort will include community-minded churches/faith communities, individual parishioners/donors, foundations and other philanthropies. Parishes that have social action committees may ask their parishioners to match their gifts through crowdfunding, such (It’s important that affluent black faith communities be invited to fund, and if desired, earmark their $6,000 to a deserving/qualifying church community.)
3.Lifting Labels’ sewing room will be humming with living-wage work through out the Lifting Voices promotion. Choir robes will be “bulk purchases” which may include one trim and/or embroidered organization name. All other customization, including names, customized fabrics, trims, adornments would not be allowed,unless individually covered by the faith community.
Faith communities may apply throughout 2021 with the understanding that there are a limited number of funders available. Winning choirs are responsible for measurements, single colors selection from LL-supplied swatches, and pickup of finished robes.
Select the button below to download PDF form for more details.